Spatial Coverage (O)

Spatial region or named place where the data was gathered or which the data is about (occurrence: 0-n). EUDAT Core offers the following possibilities to display geographical information:

  • geoLocationPlace

  • geoLocationPoint

  • geoLocationBox

  • geoLocationPolygon

Allowed values, examples, other constraints Recommended, in accordance with DataCite: Use WGS 84 (World Geodetic System) coordinates. Use only decimal numbers for coordinates. Longitudes are -180 to 180 (0 is Greenwich, negative numbers are west, positive numbers are east), Latitudes are -90 to 90 (0 is the equator; negative numbers are south, positive numbers north).


 2   <spatialCoverage>
 3       <geoLocationPlace>Atlantic Ocean</geoLocationPlace>
 4       <geoLocationPoint>
 5           <pointLongitude>-67.302</pointLongitude>
 6           <pointLatitude>31.233</pointLatitude>
 7       </geoLocationPoint>
 8       <geoLocationBox>
 9           <westBoundLongitude>-71.032</westBoundLongitude>
10           <eastBoundLongitude>-68.211</eastBoundLongitude>
11           <southBoundLatitude>41.090</southBoundLatitude>
12           <northBoundLatitude>42.893</northBoundLatitude>
13       </geoLocationBox>
14   </spatialCoverage>
15   <spatialCoverage>
16       <geoLocationPolygon>
17           <polygonPoint>
18               <pointLatitude>41.991</pointLatitude>
19               <pointLongitude>-71.032</pointLongitude>
20           </polygonPoint>
21           <polygonPoint>
22               <pointLatitude>42.893</pointLatitude>
23               <pointLongitude>-69.622</pointLongitude>
24           </polygonPoint>
25           <polygonPoint>
26               <pointLatitude>41.991</pointLatitude>
27               <pointLongitude>-68.211</pointLongitude>
28           </polygonPoint>
29           <polygonPoint>
30               <pointLatitude>41.090</pointLatitude>
31               <pointLongitude>-69.622</pointLongitude>
32           </polygonPoint>
33           <polygonPoint>
34               <pointLatitude>41.991</pointLatitude>
35               <pointLongitude>-71.032</pointLongitude>
36           </polygonPoint>
37       </geoLocationPolygon>
38   </spatialCoverage>